Installation of Officers

Pan American Round Tables of Texas

by Immediate Past State Director Peggy Clark

Sunday, April 1, 2001

Odessa, Texas

This is a happy occasion and I am very honored to be a part of it.

By virtue of the authority vested in me as the Immediate Past State Director of Pan American Round Tables and as Chairman of the State Nominating Committee, it is my pleasure and honor to install these women as your leaders for 2001-2003. The colors of these flowers symbolize your offices and duties. Please come forward as I call your names.

Immediate Past State Director Imogene Mecaskey: the color lavender represents joy and has come to be associated with old age and its wisdom. I now give you my job as counselor to the Board. What you have learned during your tenure, you can share, when asked. We thank you and your retiring officers for the work of the past two years. It is my pleasure to give you your State Director's pin, and the one you are wearing you will give to the new Director after her installation.

Parliamentarian Kathy Ehman-Clardy: the colors blue and gold are the colors of our Pan American Round Table seal. As Parliamentarian, you shall see that the business of the State is conducted according to the State Constitution and By-Laws and Robert's Rules of Order. You will also read and approve amendments to Table constitutions and bylaws. You shall serve as chairman of the Revisions Committee and shall furnish each officer, chairman of each Standing Committee and each Director of member Tables with a correct copy of the Constitution and By-laws of the State.

State Scholarship Chairman Geri Rice: green is a sacred color for some and is the color of new growth and youth. Education and scholarships for education are sacred to Pan American Round Table. You and your committee make our purpose of fostering mutual knowledge, understanding and friendship among the women of the Americas real by seeking out the best candidates for our state scholarships.

Historian Olivia Lopez: the color lavender represents joy and has come to be associated with old age and its wisdom. As Historian you will have the pleasure of keeping watch over the joyful memories and events of all the Texas Tables. You are to collect and preserve in systematic order all matters sent to you by the Tables, and you are to send to the Alliance Historian news for insertion in the Alliance scrapbooks.

Archives Committee Chairman Mary Ann Palka (appointed by the State Director): your color is lavender also because you will organize and oversee the transfer of PART of Texas's archives to the John Peace Library at the University of Texas-San Antonio, to join the archives of the founding Table of San Antonio.

To both Olivia and Mary Ann, The history of the past is a joy to the present and gives hope to the future. May you relish your task of collecting and preserving today's history so the tomorrow's Tables may benefit from the past.

Treasurer Grace Bradley: the color white is for trust. The Tables entrust you with its money from the payment of dues and scholarship donations. You will oversee the Board's budget and disburse funds only on order of the Director. You shall countersign all checks with the State Director or Corresponding Secretary. You will be bonded and your work audited by an Audit Committee appointed by the State Director prior to State Convention. You will report at all business meetings and shall serve as the chairman of the Finance Committee and as Treasurer for the Board of Trustees of the PARTT-Florence Terry Griswold Scholarship and Endowment Funds.

Corresponding Secretary Ann Beitel: the color yellow stands for light and is said to stimulate the intellect. As Corresponding Secretary, you are appointed by the State Director and are to be her right hand and light. Helping her keep up with the correspondence of the State and Alliance and keeping her calendar. You will travel with her on her visits to the Tables. May you be stimulated by your correspondence and your travels.

Recording Secretary Dorothy Schatzman: the color blue is a symbol of truth. As Recording Secretary you will record the true happenings of this group. You shall keep the minutes of all meetings and a roster of member Tables. Within one month of the expiration of your term of office you must turn over to your successor complete records of the office. You shall send copies of the minutes of the convention to all officers of the State, Chairman of Standing Committees, and all member Tables and the Director General of the Alliance.

The four Associate Directors: First Associate Director Jean Hager (Area C)

Second Associate Director Sheila Glassford (Area B),

Third Associate Director Sylvia Williams (Area A)

Fourth Associate Director Edith Libson/Ruth May (Area D): the color red signifies spirit and unity. You will work together as an Extension Committee getting new Tables started. You will visit every Table in your respective areas and promote friendship and education.

Jean, as First Associate Director: You will have extra responsibilities. You shall assume the duties of the State Director in the event that she is unable to continue as state director. You will be the chairman of the Extension Committee and will serve as a trustee on the Board of the PARTT-Florence Terry Griswold Scholarship and Scholarship Endowment Funds.

Director Berta Garcia: the color purple represents leadership. As State Director, you will preside at all meetings, countersign all orders on the Treasury; nominate the chairmen of standing committees; appoint all special committees; be ex-officio member of all committees with the exception of the nominating committee, and you shall represent the State on all special occasions and visit each Table in Texas during your tenure. You will also serve as the chairman of the Board of PARTT- Florence Terry Griswold Scholarship and Scholarship Endowment Funds.

You will lead by example, by enthusiasm for the work of Pan American Round Table, by executive ability, and by your willingness to be flexible and try new things. You will embody what it means to be a Pan American woman.

Pan American Pledge (repeat after me)

I pledge allegiance to the Pan American movement and endeavor to work with all my power and to the best of my ability to fulfill its objectives: Knowledge, Understanding, and Friendship until we are

One for All and All for One Una para Todas y Todas para Una.

Delegates and Members of Pan American Round Table: I present your officers for the next two years. State Director Berta: I present your board.

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