March 15, 1989

Written and presented by Dee Cole


For centuries, there have been tales and legends of vast treasure lost and found. In Dallas, we now have the Ramses exhibit. In Lambayeque, Peru, last year they excavated a tomb identical to those in Egypt. In Mexico, they still search for lost mines of Apache gold and Yaqui silver. And men and women still sail the oceans seeking Spanish Galleons filled with golden doubloons and jeweled artifacts.

Today, March 15, 1989, in Laredo, Texas, we are witnesses to the discovery of other treasures. Among the members of the Pan American Round Tables of Texas, we are blessed with untold riches. For we value intangible attributes of character far more than gold coins. A coin spent gives a brief moment of pleasure, but an abundance of integrity, honor, respect and friendship lives on and transcends generations of Pan American women. Our traditions and high ideals pass on from one Board of Directors to the next, insuring that our standards remain constant. And we believe in sharing our treasures. As symbols of these riches, our legacy, our new Board receives a crystal and treasure chest. These small chests are filled with the most wonderful gifts and talents. They are visually and symbolically empty, for as soon as we receive these gifts we give them away to everyone.

Gloria Zuniga, State Director, you receive and shall return to all the members of the Tables, a multitude of gifts which combine in one as leadership. You lead by example, by executive ability, by strength of character, by enthusiasm in your work and by justice for all.

Charlotte Hanley, First Associate Director, your chest is filled with loyalty to your State Director and to your Area Tables. It includes a right hand, a good ear and a big heart.

Thirza Guttman, Nancy Smith and Ruth Webber, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Associate Directors, your chest contains many abilities: organizational ability; a pioneer spirit to give life to older Tables and inspiration to new Tables; and willingness to do whatever is asked of you.

Jeanne Boatman, Recording Secretary, you receive a chest filled with accuracy, truth, and efficiency. You also receive dependability, a truly awesome gift.

Olga Verduzco, Corresponding Secretary, your chest is overflowing with patience, with tolerance and with understanding, for you will need all these gifts. Also, you receive trustworthiness, the ability to hold close to your State Director and just for fun, you receive the love of travel.

Patty Mueller, Treasurer, your chest contains prosperity, a great amount of trust, and a large amount of mathematical ability. Also, you receive patience which you will undoubtedly need in dealing with late financial reports and the IRS. You are the caretaker of all the assets of the Texas Tables and the financial guardian of our future.

Hilda Aguirre, Historian, you are the guardian of our past, our recorded history, our Pan American lives. You receive gifts of generosity of time, devotion to duty, creativity and sharing.

Gladys Simpson, Parliamentarian, your gifts are knowledge and impartiality Serving in this position you dispense your knowledge of parliamentary law to all equally, and your other gift of Justice benefits all the women in this organization.

Frances Lipe, Scholarship Chairman, your chest is filled with much responsibility, for in this position, you are responsible for the largest amounts of monies expended by the Tables. You also receive hope and charity, for it is through charity the Tables all manifest our ideals and hopes for the future. These scholarships are one of our principal means of furthering friendship and understanding to attain the vision of Florence Terry Griswold.

Frances Metcalf, Immediate Past State Director, you have these gifts already, but we give you again wisdom and experience and the generosity necessary to share them with the new Board, with all the new Table Directors and with every member of the Texas Pan American Round Tables.

We also give you an overflowing treasure chest of thanks for a job well done, a great amount of love and affection from all of us who have worked with you the past two years. And there seems to be a tangible gift here – a surprise – a vacation!

(Inside this chest, I put an invitation to spend some time in my place in Puerto Vallarta.)

Please raise your right hands and repeat after me:

I pledge allegiance to the Pan American movement and shall endeavor to work with all my power and to the best of my ability to fulfill its objectives. Knowledge, Understanding and Friendship, until we are

"One for all and all for one."

Frances Metcalf will you please pin the State Director's pin on our new State Director?

You are all duly sworn in. Congratulations!

The new State Director, Gloria Zuniga, will now take the podium.

P.S. I found some attractive "treasure chests" in San Miguel de Allende made of glass and brass. However, you might use any other kinds of boxes.

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