Pan American Round Table of Conroe
2021 Photo Gallery
(in Reverse Chronological Order)

December 2021

Conroe December 2021 Group

Our Table celebrated Christmas together and played a fun game
directed by Paula Alexander.  Gloria Riddle read a Christmas poem with certain
words in Spanish, so we could learn or guess what they were in English. 
Members present were (front row, l-r):  Marilyn Sommers, Woody Hearn, Paula
Alexander, Riki Dewey, Director Janet Emmons, Annette Ferrell, Marcia Reagan,
Jo Chesney, and Becky Judah,.  (back row l-r):  Jean Heasley, Gloria Riddle,
Mary Lou Sartore, Paula Schoppe, Cheryl Fullen, Karen Baughman,
Mary Margaret Coyle, and Jewel Manders. 


November 2021

Conroe November 2021 Meeting

For our November meeting, John Hearn presented a very
moving and memorable "History of the Star Spangled Banner”.
We learned that it was actually a poem of several verses
written by Frances Scott Key and shared by many people before
the first verse became our National Anthem.


October 2021

Jean Heasley and Gloria Riddle celebrate Founder’s Day with 
their colorful attire.

Our Table welcomed the PARTT Director for our October meeting.  First row:  (l-r)
Becky Judah, Martha Stumbo, Janet Emmons, Annette Ferrell, Second row: (l-r) 
Mary Lou Sartore, Woody Hearn, Riki Dewey, Jo Chesney, Marcia Reagan, 
Jewel Manders, Third Row:  (l-r) Paula Alexander, Jean Heasley, Karen Baughman, 
Marilyn Sommers, Mary Margaret Coyle, Gloria Riddle and Paula Schoppe. 


April 2021 Pan American Day

For Pan American Day, member Mary Margaret Coyle opened our program by presenting a “Salute to Pan Americanism” sent to our Table by State Director Stumbo. Then, she further reflected on the highlights over the years of the Pan American Movement and its influences on people and countries of the northern and southern hemispheres.


January 2021

The Program for the January meeting was “Spotlight on Our Countries”. From left to right, Paula Alexander created a fun game of facts about Argentina in addition to presenting information on Costa Rica. Karen Baughman shared some interesting things about her trip to Canada, Mary Lou Sartore told us about Colombia from when she visited there. Becky Judah shared some colorful pictures from Belize and Marilyn Sommers told us about Brazil.