Pan American Round Table of Conroe
2022 Photo Gallery
(in Reverse Chronological Order)


January 2022

The theme for our countries study this spring was “Spotlight on your Country:

During our January 2022 meeting, members gave a spotlight on their countries regarding leadership or government. Countries highlighted were from Argentina to Costa Rica. Here, Gloria Riddle told us some interesting facts about Bolivia. Listening on the left is Woody Hearn, and on the right is Mary Margaret Coyle.

Director Janet Emmons shares what she learned about Cuba.

Director Janet Emmons shares what she learned about Cuba.

Mary Margaret Coyle gave us some interesting facts on

Mary Margaret Coyle gave us some interesting facts on Nicaragua.


April and May 2022

Mary Margaret Coyle presented a reflection on the meaning of Pan American Day.

Mary Margaret Coyle presented a reflection on the meaning of Pan American Day.

Mary Margaret Coyle presented a reflection on the meaning of Pan American Day.

We held the installation of new officers. From left to right are: Director; Gloria Riddle, Associate Director; Paula Alexander, Corresponding Secretary; Jean Heasley, Treasurer; Woody Hearn, Parliamentarian; Marilyn Sommers, (stand-in Jewel Manders) Custodian; Riki Dewey, Historian; Annette Ferrell